生活是一場永不落幕的電影,而我們每個人都是這部電影的主角。那些柴米油鹽,喜怒哀樂,不是庸常,而是生命的質感。正如安塞爾·亞當斯(Ansel Adams)所說:“You don’t take a photograph, you make it.” 每一次快門,都是一場心靈的對話,是讓平凡的日子變得獨一無二的藝術。我喜歡看著別人在鏡頭前的樣子——那是最真實、最純粹的他們。幫助他們找回自己的自信,讓他們看見自己眼中最美的模樣,這是一件特別美好的事情。
Life is an endless movie, and each of us is the main character in our own story. The little things—cooking, laughter, tears, and everyday moments—are not just ordinary; they are the texture of life. As Ansel Adams said, "You don’t take a photograph, you make it." Every click of the camera is a quiet conversation with the heart, turning simple days into something special.
I love seeing people through my lens—their true, raw selves. It’s a joy to help them find their confidence, to let them see the beauty they hold. That’s what makes photography so wonderful—it’s not just about taking pictures, but about capturing the soul.
Kaying Juan is a Concordia College student from Taiwan who came to the U.S. alone to pursue her passion for theater. She’s dedicated to exploring different cultural perspectives and artistic languages, constantly expanding her understanding and sensitivity to the arts.
Kaying Juan (阮以柔)是concordia college 的學生,自己獨身來美國學戲劇,在不同的文化中找尋不同的藝術語言,拓展自己更多對藝術都認知以及明感度。